
BUG2A2_Task#3 & UTS Schedule & ECCT Score

My dear students,
Please check your Task# 3 and revise them. Open the rar file. “BUG2A2_TASK#3 EDITED. Pay attention to the comments that I made. Then, also check the good example of Cover Letter and CV belonged to one of your classmates. However, please use this file, not his.

Revise your Cover Letter and CV, then print them. Submit them on the UTS (mid-test) days, which are Meeting 6 and Meeting 7. You must bring these files or otherwise your UTS will be “0”. Check the file below and mark your calendar. There will be no “UTS susulan” unless you have terrible illness or get bad accident. With the doctor’s consent, the “UTS susulan” will be held in Meeting 8.

Since ECCT score will make 10 points (10%) of your final grade, please check the file for ECCT score. This score is from your English 2 class. There are four students, possibly coming from different classes. I need you (the four students) to tell me which English 2 class you did take on the 2nd semester in the 5th Meeting. ECCT 3.33 and above = 10 points.


See you tomorrow.


Miss Ima

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