2007-Short Story “What’s Going on, Anton”






What’s going on, Anton?


Ima Kusmayanti (2007)

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What’s going on, Anton?
By Ima Kusmayanti (2007)

The sun shone so bright flashing the light on every corner of the place called campus—a place where people live their moment and try to grow up and be a fully human being through sadness, madness and joyfulness. Three girls were walking toward a bench in the middle of campus’s park with books clinging on their hands.
“So, how’s your holiday? Did you happen to do something outrageous like you have listed in your journal?” Diah, a suntanned girl in her seventeen sat on one of the benches.
“You bet I did. Only two, though. I got to become a radio announcer in my hometown and I volunteered to read for the blinds.” Saskia, a light-brown and tall girl replied and sat next to her.
“Since when you’re planning to become a saint?” snorted a chubby girl with a pointy nose named Fegi as she sat welding herself in the middle of the two girls.
“There’s still plenty of space, Fegi.” A male voice came from their behind.
“Hi, Anton! Fegi exclaimed cheerfully. Anton, the only male member of the gang, appeared from behind.
Anton sat beside Diah. “So, what’s going on, girls? Have you been talking about me?” he said playfully.
“You wish!” Saskia snapped. “Another semester is going to be filled with a stack of assignments. Aren’t you guys worried at all?”
“Lighten up, will you?” Anton said. “I know you’re planning to keep your perfect GPA, but I think there are people here who actually are planning to enjoy their days in this campus. It’s our youth days. Savor them!” Anton responded trying to give a little joke. But he soon saw their hard glares and changed his mind. “OK, I got your point. Fun is fine, but not too much. Study must be our priority.” Anton gave out a big sigh. “I thought being away from my parents will give me so much freedom, instead, I have a trio of charming ladies watching my every move. Man!” Anton opened up a carton of juice and sipped it up.
“Yeah, I can’t believe that they’re still thinking we’re your girlfriends. Unbelievable!” Diah said, opening her ice-cream cone. “Want some?” Diah offered Fegi, but she shook her head showing that she already got a cone. She turned to Anton.
“Ice cream in the morning? I pass.” Anton sat next to Saskia.
“And not to mention, those female fans of yours too, are crazy. They keep calling us and disturbing our relaxation time. I mean, not just in the day, in the night too. They threaten us to let you go.” Diah complained.

“I can’t blame them. You’re the star of our basketball team. What they don’t know is that the reason you hang out with us is because our friend, Saskia, here,” Fegi put her arm around Saskia’s shoulder, “is so smart and that we need her with all of our assignments.” Fegi turned to Diah.
“I thought majoring in English would be a piece of cake since I have loved English since junior high, but it turned out to be a pain in my head. Especially learning grammar, I dislike it.” Anton said, opening a bag of chips and he offered the three girls. They took some.
“Well, then, it’s a bummer for you. On the first day, we’ll have grammar class with Mr. Krisna Arizona, Fegi’s biggest crush.” Diah loved to tease Fegi. Fegi gave Diah her ‘whatever’ look.
“By the way, you love the jealous looks on their eyes, you know, those bubble head girls who always scream when Anton scores points.” Saskia cut in. “Besides, can’t they figure out on their own that the possibility of girls to share a boy is way so small?” she grunted.
“Alright, miss know-it-all, I have to go meeting my team. And I thought you guys said you never talk about me. But why do my ears feel all red and hot now?” Anton joked and stood up getting ready to leave.
“Well, you know that we only talk about you when you’re around.” Saskia said.
“Glad to hear that.” He laughed softly. “Alright, I’ll see you in class. Cao!” He ran and left the three girls continuing their conversation.
“Why is he always in a rush? Do you think he really goes to his basketball meeting?” Diah turned to Fegy.
“Why are you being suspicious?” Fegy ignored Diah’s questions. “Anton never lies. He is a kind person and he always keeps his promises.” Fegy tried to defend Anton.
“Chill out! I’m just saying.” Diah said, looking at Fegy and wondered. “Is there something going on between you two?” Diah blurted out her thoughts.
“Get real.” Fegy snorted. “Just leave him alone, Diah. Be a good friend. Trust him.” Fegy felt uneasy.
“Guys! Calm down.” Saskia cut in. “Let’s go to the class.”

The class murmured a little loud, but once the door was open and a middle-thirty-man entered the class, all students became quiet. It was their grammar lecturer, Mr. Krisna Arizona.
“Good morning class! It’s nine o’clock already and I apologize for coming late.” The lecturer approached the desk located on the far right corner from the door and took a seat. “I have to make a copy for our pop quiz today! Surprise! And welcome back to my class!” He said cheerfully and stood up. The class started to make a noise for all students murmuring because all of them were shocked by the news. “Quiet down, please. I need you to make a room between your seat and work on your own.” He took out papers from his bag.
“What? A pop quiz? He must be kidding? I didn’t study at all. What am I going to do?” Saskia blurted out in panic and turned to Diah on her left.
“You should calm down. This is probably just a review or prerequisite test.” Diah replied calmly. “Besides, aren’t you the master of us all?”
“You gotta help me, Kia.” Anton took a seat in between Saskia and Fegi.
“How? The lecturer said we have to work on our own. And you know perfectly that I won’t cheat.” Saskia sighed heavily. “You know what, Diah is right. This is probably just a review. Let’s hope we’ll manage to refresh our memory.”
“Easy for you to say.” Fegi retorted. “Shh, the lecturer is coming.” The lecturer approached them.
“Scoot over guys! Don’t sit too close.” The lecturer said as he walked around passing the paper. “And remember, you only have thirty minutes. If you have any questions, don’t wedge your friends, raise your hand and I’ll come to you. When you’re done, come forward and put your paper on my table. Good luck!” They did as they were told to and tried to concentrate to do the questions in front of them realizing that a protest won’t do any good.

It was only five minutes left, when Diah saw Anton came forward and put his paper on the table. She spotted Anton tucked one of his hands in his pocket nervously as he returned to his seat. She stared at him and he quickly noticed and gave her a slight smile. She quickly looked down and wondered.
“Alright, time’s up everybody. Submit your test paper right this instant or I won’t grade your paper!” The lecturer shouted and immediately students were in a rush walking toward their lecturer’s desk, put down their paper and returned to their seat. “Thank you. You’ll see how you’ve done in our next meeting. Alright everyone, let’s start our lesson today…”

In the cafeteria.
“What a tough quiz! But, thankfully, I think I recognized most of the questions from our previous grammar class last semester.” Saskia sipped her guava juice.
“Yeah.” Diah said, turning her head to her right. “What do you think, Anton?”
“I guess it was OK. I mean it was just a quiz, right? We shouldn’t be too worried.” Anton replied calmly.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. You probably got all answers right. There’s nothing to worry about.” Diah said in a cold tone without looking up.

“What are you trying to say? It sounds like you’re accusing me of cheating? Is it possible that I just feel so calm? You don’t have to be the calmest person on this planet all the time, you know?” Anton blurted out as he sensed a different tone from Diah.
“Hey, you guys. Easy up! What’s going on, Anton?” Saskia came in between them holding Diah’s shoulder down when she was about to protest. Anton kept silent and looked down.
“Why don’t you ask him what he has in his pocket right now? Or perhaps he threw that away already to destroy the evidence.” Diah said as she stared coldly at Anton.
Anton looked down, took a deep breath and he turned to Fegi. “Feg, care to explain?” Anton saw Fegi turning away from him trying to avoid his looks. Saskia and Diah looked confused. “We’ve been close friends since the first semester. I know that you told me to keep it as our secret, but I think they deserve to know.” Said Anton to Fegi.
“What secret? Did you two become a couple? Since when?” Why didn’t you tell us? You make us feel worried and suspicious all the time. Is it true?” Saskia babbled.
“All no.” Anton replied with a big sigh and turned to Diah. “I didn’t cheat during the test. Yes, I put in a grammar note in my pocket, but it wasn’t mine. It’s Fegi’s.” Anton took out a piece of paper from his pocket and put it on the table.
“You promise!” Fegi shouted at Anton, looked down and bursted into tears. Saskia and Diah stared at Fegi in horror. Then, after a couple seconds of calming themselves down, Saskia approached Fegi and sat beside her.
“Of all people, why did you do it?” Saskia asked softly.
“Yeah, why?” Diah asked again. “I got Cs most of the time. But I think it’s better when you get a D, but you try your best rather than you get an A, but you cheat.” Diah said frantically. “It’s like you have done something terrible, worse than stealing things.”
“Diah, hold your anger.” Saskia snapped at Diah and turned to Fegy.
Wiping her tears, Fegi looked up to face her three friends. “I know. But it’s just that I’m tired of getting bad scores. My parents were so furious when they found out that my GPA was less than three. And I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Mr. Krisna.” Fegi explained. Saskia gave her a piece of tissue and she took it. “Thanks. You should know that this was not my first time. I also cheated during our final tests. But only for Mr. Krisna’s class. Anton spotted me at that time, but I bribed him with doing all the dishes and cleaning his room for the rest of his university life.” Fegi’s voice trailed off.
“But, how can Anton have your note?” Diah asked curiously.
“I dropped the paper. And for being a good friend he is, he took it to protect me from being caught. But, I didn’t realize that one of us actually took a glance at the moment. I’m ashamed, guys. Help me!” Fegi pleaded as she tried to stop crying.

“Shhh. Calm down, Feg. We’re here and we’re glad you told us your problem. I know that you have a huge crush on Mr. Krisna, but cheating is not a way to impress him. Let alone impress your parents.” Saskia said, giving a glass of water.
“I know. But I was so desperate. Although I studied the night before, I think my mind went blank every time Mr. Krisna gave us a test.” Fegi said, feeling a little bit calm. “What should I do?” She turned to Saskia, Diah and Anton.
“Well, most importantly, you should tell Mr. Krisna of what you did as soon as possible and request for another test.” Saskia said. “I’m sure he understands.”
Diah approached Anton and sat beside him. “I truly apologize for accusing you.”
“No hard feeling. But that since I lost the person who always does my dishes, the least you can do is become that person for only a month. Deal?” Anton smiled widely.
“Ugh, that’s so unfair!” Diah protested. “Three days, take it or leave it!”
“What? Now, this is unfair. What a way to lose moments of paradise.” Anton said disappointedly. “But, I’m glad the burden is off my shoulder.” He said with enthusiasm.
“I’m sorry for troubling you, Anton. I think I will do your dishes for the rest of this month. I owe you a lot.”
“Now, we’re talking. The rest of the month from you.” Anton turned to Fegy. “And the extra three days from you.” He turned to Diah. “Want to join?” He turned to Saskia.
“No, thanks. But, if we all promise that from now on, we will always tell each other our problem. Whatever it is and no matter what, we have to be honest people. Then, I will always help you with your assignments without protest, deal?”
“Deal!” Anton, Diah and Fegi replied in unison.
“And none of us should ever try to or cheat again for whatever reason. Capish?” said Saskia.
“Understood” Diah, Fegi and Anton said altogether.
“Will you accompany me to see Mr. Krisna?” Fegi asked Saskia.
“I think, we all go with you. I don’t want to miss the blushing face of Fegi when she talks to him.” Anton said jokingly.
“Anton!” Diah hit his shoulder lightly. “Let’s finish our lunch. We only have thirty minutes left and we haven’t pray Dzuhur.” Diah said, returning to her seat.
“Hey, do you think Mrs. Karina will also give us a pop quiz?” Saskia stood up and also returned to her seat, finishing her juice up.
“Ah, don’t worry. At least in her class we don’t have to worry about becoming cheaters. We’ll become writers, creators of our own world.” Anton teased Fegi. She gave him a big smile showing her feeling of relief that what truly good friends she has. They all laughed and enjoyed their lunch.

Suntanned : a slight dark brown
GPA : (abbreviation for grade point average) IPK
Pop quiz : kuis dadakan
Capish : (slang for understand) mengerti